And I carry it with me like my daddy did
-Jim Croce
-Jim Croce
I chose this song is because I was thinking about the importance of names. The Native Americans place great emphasis on names and their meanings. Each of my daughters is named after family members and I believe that has meaning too. Our ancestors are part of us in more ways than we realize....
My oldest daughter is named after an aunt I love dearly. They share the same first and middle name. Some of my fondest memories as a child are the hot summer nights I spent on my grandmother's cool back porch, cool because of the thick cement floor, where my aunt and uncle and cousins would gather to eat and laugh, and tell stories. The love and laughter that was shared on those summer nights is something every child should grow up with. And a way to extend the memories of that love and laughter is to pass those names on. But my aunt was so named because of two favorite grandmothers. One was a wealthy step-mother who married into the family and stepped into the role of adoring grandmother and, on the other side of the family, a matriarch who was fondly remembered by everyone. I also like the fact that, by chance, my oldest daughter shares the name of many oldest daughters on her father's side of the family as well. At the time I named her, I didn't know this. It was only later while doing my genealogy that I realized this coincidence.
My middle daughter shares my confirmation name. Catholics have to research saints and choose one at confirmation. I picked someone I thought sounded somewhat interesting, took that as my confirmation name, and passed that name on to my daughter years later. She and her paternal grandmother share the same middle name. I like that. And of all three girls, I think her name sounds the most musical when you say it.
My youngest daughter is named after my favorite author. First name, middle name. I adore this author. There is some part of me, some make-believe part of me, that would love to think they share some personality traits along with their name. That this author I love so much is somehow a little bit there in my daughter. My youngest daughter also shares a middle name with my sister.
We are all connected. And it is all good.
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