Monday, December 6, 2010

Adeste Fideles

Adeste fideles, Laeti triumphantes; Venite, venite in Bethlehem; Natum videte, Regem Angelorum

O Come All Ye Faithful. Faith. People don't ask me about my Faith very often. I know one or two people who get pretty preachy about their faith and it annoys the heck out of me. It's a pious sort of attitude that really bugs me. I'm sure they really do believe in their faith, but there is something about the way they go about things that almost seems as if it's for show. I don't like that. I have another few friends who simply live their faith, and I have deep respect for them. Sometimes it comes up in conversation; often it does not. They might mention something they did at church but it's no different than something they did at the store, or at work. They might quote scripture, but it's no different than mentioning something they read in any other book or heard on the news. It's simply part of their day-to-day and who they are.

I do believe there is a God, a Supreme Being, a Diety. I believe that Diety crosses many boundaries and no one religion can lay claim to being right, or the one true religion. In fact, much of the fighting that has taken place over history and over religion is not about IF there is a god, but HOW people ought to be worshiping. Far more has been done to label people heretics and heathens and sinners in the name of whatever religion than to create kindness and inclusion. And for that reason, I don't believe in organized religion. I believe that Faith is a covenant between the individual believer and their God and there that's where it should begin and end. There doesn't need to be an organized church in the middle. If the Bible, or Koran, or any other inspirational writing helps you find that covenant and lead a life of service, then you have found Faith. If you have shown Grace to others, you have found Faith. If you strive daily to make the world a better place, you have found Faith. If you trust that a Deity will guide you and give you strength through dark moments, you have Faith.

Do I pray? Rarely, and then only to ask for understanding. I believe that if you have Faith, you also trust that God has a plan. And who are we to question it? Who are we to think that our insignificant supplications will change what is meant to be? Instead, I believe in trusting in God (having Faith) and seeking understanding. How do we seek understanding? By learning, listening, watching, and accepting that what does not make sense to us now, will at some point down the road. And in the mean time we need to do our best, do the right thing, try to make the world a better place by giving others Grace, and having Faith.

I grew up hearing this hymn in Latin. It's one of the few I remember in Latin. There is something ancient and beautiful about it ...

Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus Dominum!

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