Sunday, April 22, 2012


Funny how a melody sounds like a memory
- Eric Church

Dear Sarah Margaret, Theresa Mae, and Laura Elizabeth,

All of these songs here are intertwined with my thoughts and memories.  Sometimes the song came first.  I would be driving or doing something around the house, radio on, and the song lyrics would spark the memory.  Sometimes the memory came first and as I wrote it down I searched for the perfect lyrics to go with it.  But they were always hand in hand.  Music is such an important part of my life.  It is a gift.  It was something I didn't have when I was young like you did because it wasn't a part of my mother's life.  And when the world of music opened up to me, it was magical.  I have carried music in my heart and in my head ever since and it's the reason every entry in this blog starts with song lyrics.  It is the reason the opening entry in this blog is called "The Music Is You."   Music, and you three, are two of the most important things in my life.  You changed my life forever as did music.  I am so proud of you and the amazing women you have become and will continue to be.

Don't worry about me 'cause I'll be alright...
I still love you more than anything in the world.
- Sugarland


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